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Teaching and examinations mainly on campus


Higher education institutions should continue with on-campus teaching for campus-based programmes and courses after 12 January 2022, but online solutions can be used to avoid crowding, if necessary. This is the essence of the most recent announcement by the Public Health Agency of Sweden.


Teaching activities with specific requirements, as well as examinations and exams, should be carried out on campus, the Public Health Agency adds. Higher education institutions should take appropriate infection control measures to ensure that students can enter and leave lecture halls safely and enable students to keep a safe distance during written examinations.

Swedish Universities are encouraged to be flexible and give students who cannot attend practical test and examinations due to symptoms new opportunities to complete courses.

The Public Health Agency clarifies that the recommendation to avoid congestion on public transport should not prevent students to commute to campus.

The University continues according to its previous plan

“The latest announcements from the public authorities on 10 and 11 January mean that we can continue as planned during the current examination period and the start of the spring semester,” says Maria Strand, chair of the coordination committee for pandemic-related measures at University of Gävle. “As before, on-campus teaching is the rule for campus-based courses and programmes. However, online teaching can be used as an alternative to avoid crowding, for example at larger lectures, but, in general, online teaching should not replace on-campus teaching. Importantly, we want to prioritise new students so and give them the opportunity to be on campus.”

“We are continuing with various different infection control measures," says Maria Strand. “For example, these may involve using face masks, hand sanitising, disinfection measures, extra cleaning of contact areas or opening lecture halls earlier to avoid crowding when students enter.”

“Moreover, we are aware that many students are feeling unwell due to their study situation, and the present pandemic may make it worse. Therefore, we offer them support through our licensed counsellors.”

Work from home if possible

As before, University staff can work from home if the activities allow and if quality can be maintained. The University will continue with regular opening hours; our activities on campus require staff to be on site.

Students within organisations that provide adult education are not covered by the Public Health Agency's recommendation stating that organisations should enable employees to work from home.

The Public Health Agency will review its recommendations every two weeks, but the current recommendations are expected to remain in effect until mid-February. By then, the agency hopes that the current increase in the spread of the disease will have peaked and begun to decline again.

Summary in bullet form of current decisions regarding University of Gävle

  • Teaching activities will mainly be conducted on campus, but teaching may need to be adapted, especially if there are large student groups.
  • Priority will be given to new students to ensure that they receive a good introduction on campus.
  • Written examinations should be conducted on campus. Infection control measures will be taken.
  • Staff may be work from home when our activities allow and when quality can be maintained. The line manager makes the decision in dialogue with each member of staff.

No external events or public gatherings

During study period 3, between January and March, the University's premises will not be open for bookings for external organisations and public gatherings will not be allowed.

The Vice-Chancellor’s formal decision of 14 December stating that on-campus teaching will be the rule for campus-based programmes and courses in study period 3, which starts on 17 January, still applies. Hopefully, at the beginning of February, University of Gävle will be able to open up its campus further.

The most important recommendations for individuals in Sweden remain

  • Get vaccinated against COVID-19.
  • Stay alert to symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Stay at home and avoid close contact with others when you suspect that you have COVID-19.
Published by: Anna-Carin Skytt Page responsible: Anders Munck Updated: 2022-01-12
Högskolan i Gävle
Box 801 76 GÄVLE
026-64 85 00 (växel)